vendredi 5 janvier 2007

Rejang III. Tampaksiring

Rejang II. Tampaksiring

Rejang I. Tampaksiring

Waiting. Tampaksiring

A long moment waiting before the procession...

Rejang dancers. Tampaksiring

We are in the sacred area of the temple, before the procession...

The praying. Tirta Empul

Holy water V. Tirta Empul

Holy water IV. Tirta Empul

Holy water III. Tirta Empul

Holy water II. Tirta Empul

The holy water. Tirta Empul

Here is the reason of the procession...

Red sticks. Tirta Empul

Used for the procession...

Just borying. Tirta Empul

The holy springs. Tirta Empul

The procession is just arrived.

Rejang dancer II. Tirta Empul

Rejang dancer. Tirta Empul

The procession is arrived close to the holy springs , this is the rejang dance for the gods.

Young devotee. Tampaksiring

With a bottle on her head, don't know the exact meaning...

Procession in the rice fields. Tampaksiring


Before the procession